Energy Psychology with PSYCH-K

What is PSYCH-K?

PSYCH-K  (Psychological Kinesiology) uses muscle testing (kinesiology) to test the subconscious mind.  We hold our deep-seated beliefs in our subconscious mind.  At any given moment, our conscious mind is taking in about 20,000 bits of information,yet the subconscious mind is taking in over 400,000 bits of information!  And it is here, in the subconscious mind, where our deep-seated beliefs are held which then determines our behavior in the outside world.

PSYCH-K helps us correct these old beliefs by replacing that subconscious message with a new, more empowering and constructive belief.  We do this together by finding the best new belief that we can to overlay the old program within the subconscious mind.

Why is Energy Psychology different?

PSYCH-K goes beyond affirmations, will power and positive thinking. Once we change beliefs at the sub-conscious level (the storehouse for most of our attitudes and beliefs), we can move from beliefs that sabotage us, to beliefs that support us.  Self-sabotaging beliefs can be altered in areas of finance, health and body, relationships, self-worth and career, to name a few.  

How does Muscle Testing work?

Muscle testing can bring subconscious information into conscious awareness.  The body is a delicate, electrical network of pure energy and this energy runs throughout the muscles of the body.  If anything impacts this electrical system that does not maintain or enhance the body’s balance, your muscles will quite literally weaken or “short circuit”. 

Using muscle testing, it’s possible to discover what might either make the body go weak or stay strong.  Applied kinesiology, commonly referred to as muscle testing, can tap into the subconscious mind to help answer questions about our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

If the subconscious mind doesn’t agree with a particular statement and there is no history within to support it, then the conscious and subconscious minds are in disharmony and the testing muscle weakens.

Once the balance occurs, the mind goes into a whole brained state and the muscle will test strong. 

Where does Psych-k come from?

Developed by Robert M. Williams and author of the book, Psych-k…The Missing Peace in Your Life!  PSYCH-K is his personal commitment to help people “recognize their divinity, discover their greatness, and become the peace they seek.” 

What does the science say?

According to stem cell biologist, Bruce Lipton, 95% of our beliefs come from our subconscious programs, and 95% of the day we are coming from these programs and habits.  The subconscious mind is the habit mind.  It does the habits and programs, which are primarily picked up by the age of 7, when we are like a sponge…picking up beliefs, some of which are good and some of which are bad.

Bruce Lipton states that PSYCH-K is one of the most effective ways to change internal programs.  About 60% of our downloaded programs are disempowering and self sabotaging limiting beliefs that we acqued from other people and their programs.  PSYCH-K is based on whole-brain integration methods derived from years of brain research.

And what does this mean specifically for you?

By rewriting the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life…and the world you live in.  In any area that you feel blocked, we will address it together and shift your energy in order to open the channels for fresh movement, while eliminating the blockages.  My intuitive practice fills a niche’ for each person’s specific need.  Change your subconscious beliefs so that you behave in the outside world differently!  

Diana Dummer, MH, NBIP

 “Discover your transformation and LIVE it!”

“You were born into heaven – You are the creator” 

– Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

Diana has been passionately involved in all things natural for over 35 years. From being an educator and Master Herbalist to living off the grid for eight years, Diana is astutely aware of the natural world, while at the same time acting as a communication bridge between consumers, natural products and consciousness.  Her Psych-k practice has been an integral part of her life and practice for the last 12 years.

Nutrition & Supplement Advice

Want organic food, nutrition, vitamin support or natural health suggestions?  You can have it as part of your wellness program!  Dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle advice with health supplements, plant medicine and hemp (CBD) support can be yours.  Just say the word:  HEALTH

Herbal Medicine & Education

Want to know your medicinal herbs and spices? I can teach you! Together we can create easily digestible classes:  herb walks in the field, kitchen spice therapeutics, basic herb classes for immune strength, digestion, healthy inflammatory support – to name a few.   I once taught over 22 courses in my own Front Range Herbal Institute!  Just say the word:  YEA!

Product Development

Interested in making herbal products?  I’ve created over 100 herbal products and hemp products and I can help you create distinct body products, supplements or unique herbal food items. Just say the word:  HERB! 

I experienced movement from stagnation and fear to profound acceptance in myself and great change in my life.

 –Jheri Ann

It’s changed my world! I was struggling with issues with my mom and other things in my life and opened my eyes to things that I’d been in therapy about since I was 14 – yet in just two sessions of Psych-k, I was so much better. I’m not in that dark hole. Therapy was 10x scarier for me than what happened in Psych-k. It got me over things and fixed them.